
If you’re looking to upgrade from an older version of django-browserid, you’re in the right place. This document describes the major changes required to get your site up to the latest and greatest!

0.10.1 to 1.0.0

No changes are necessary to switch from 0.10.1 to 1.0.0. fancy_tag was removed as a dependency in 1.0.0, in case you explicitly include it for your application.

0.9 to 0.10.1

  • The minimum supported version of requests is now 1.0.0, and six has been removed from the requirements.

  • Replace the SITE_URL setting with BROWSERID_AUDIENCES, which is essentially the same setting, but must be a list of strings (wrapping your old SITE_URL value with square brackets to make it a list is fine):

    BROWSERID_AUDIENCES = ['https://www.example.com']
    • On local development installs, you can remove SITE_URL entirely, as BROWSERID_AUDIENCES isn’t required when DEBUG is True.
  • In your root urlconf, remove any regex in front of the include for django-browserid urls. Because the new JavaScript relies on views being available at certain URLs, you must not change the path that the django-browserid views are served:

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        # ...
        (r'', include('django_browserid.urls')),
        # ...
  • Remove django_browserid.context_processors.browserid from your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting, as the context processor no longer exists.

  • browserid.js has been split into api.js, which contains just the JavaScript API, and browserid.js, which contains the sample code for hooking up login buttons. If you aren’t using the browserid_js helper to include the JavaScript on the page, you probably need to update your project to either include both or just api.js.

  • The included JavaScript requires jQuery 1.8 or higher instead of jQuery 1.7.

0.8 to 0.9

  • Six v1.3 or higher is now required.

0.7.1 to 0.8

  • fancy_tag 0.2.0 has been added to the required libraries.

  • Rename the browserid_form context processor to browserid in the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting:

        # ...
        # ...
  • Replace custom login button code with the new template helpers, browserid_info, browserid_login, and browserid_logout.

    • browserid_info should be added just below <body> on any page that includes a login button.
    • browserid_login and browserid_logout output login and logout links respectively.
  • It’s now recommended to include the JavaScript for the login buttons using the browserid_js helper, which outputs the appropriate <script> tags.

  • The included JavaScript requires jQuery 1.7 or higher instead of jQuery 1.6.