Setup ===== Installation ------------ You can use pip to install django-browserid and requirements:: pip install django-browserid Configuration ------------- To use ``django-browserid``, you'll need to make a few changes to your ```` file:: # Add 'django_browserid' to INSTALLED_APPS. INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... 'django.contrib.auth', 'django_browserid', # Load after auth # ... ) # Add the django_browserid authentication backend. AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( # ... 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', # required for admin 'django_browserid.auth.BrowserIDBackend', # ... ) # Add the django_browserid context processor. TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( # ... 'django_browserid.context_processors.browserid', # ... ) # Set your site url for security SITE_URL = '' .. note:: BrowserID uses an assertion and an audience to verify the user. This ``SITE_URL`` is used to determine the audience. It can be a string or an iterable of strings. For security reasons, it is *very important* that you set ``SITE_URL`` correctly. .. note:: ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` is not in the settings file by default. You can find the default value in the `Context Processor documentation`_. Next, edit your ```` file and add the following:: urlpatterns = patterns('', # ... (r'^browserid/', include('django_browserid.urls')), # ... ) You can also set the following optional settings in ````:: # Path to redirect to on successful login. LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/' # Path to redirect to on unsuccessful login attempt. LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL_FAILURE = '/' # Path to redirect to on logout. LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = '/' Finally, you'll need to add the login button to your templates. There are three things you will need to add to your templates: 1. ``{% browserid_info %}``: Outputs an invisible element that stores info about the current user. Must be within the ```` tag and appear only **once**. 2. ``{% browserid_js %}``: Outputs the `` {% browserid_js %} If you're using `Jinja2`_ as your templating system, you can use the functions passed to your template by the context processor: .. code-block:: html+jinja {{ browserid_css() }} {{ browserid_info() }}

My Site

{% if user.is_authenticated() %} {{ browserid_logout(text='Logout') }} {% else %} {{ browserid_login(text='Login', color='dark') }} {% endif %}

Welcome to my site!

{{ browserid_js() }} .. note:: The JavaScript assumes you have `jQuery`_ 1.7 or higher on your site. .. note:: For more information about the template helper functions, check out the :doc:`details/api` document. .. _jQuery: .. _Jinja2: .. _`Context Processor documentation`: Deploying to Production ----------------------- There are a few changes you need to make when deploying your app to production: - BrowserID uses an assertion and an audience to verify the user. The ``SITE_URL`` setting is used to determine the audience. For security reasons, it is *very important* that you set ``SITE_URL`` correctly. ``SITE_URL`` should be set to the domain and protocol users will use to access your site, such as ````. This URL does not have to be publicly available, however, so sites limited to a certain network can still use django-browserid. Static Files ------------ ``browserid_js`` and ``browserid_css`` use `Form Media`_ and the Django `staticfiles`_ app to serve the static files for the buttons. If you don't want to use the static files framework, you'll need to include the JavaScript and CSS manually on any page you use the ``browserid_button`` function. For ``browserid_js`` the files needed are the Persona JavaScript shim, which should be loaded from ```` in a script tag, and ``django_browserid/static/browserid/browserid.js``, which is part of the django-browserid library. For ``browserid_css`` the file needed is ``django_browserid/static/browserid/persona-buttons.css``, which is also part of the django-browserid library. .. _Form Media: .. _staticfiles: Content Security Policy ----------------------- If your site uses `Content Security Policy`_, you will have to add directives to allow the external JavaScript, as well as an iframe used as part of the login process. If you're using `django-csp`_, the following settings will work:: CSP_SCRIPT_SRC = ("'self'", '') CSP_FRAME_SRC = ("'self'", '') .. _Content Security Policy: .. _django-csp: Alternate Template Languages (Jingo/Jinja) ------------------------------------------ If you are using a library like `Jingo`_ in order to use a template language besides the Django template language, you may need to configure the library to use the Django template language for django-browserid templates. With Jingo, you can do this using the ``JINGO_EXCLUDE_APPS`` setting:: JINGO_EXCLUDE_APPS = ('browserid',) .. _Jingo: Troubleshooting Issues ---------------------- If you run into any issues while setting up django-browserid, try the following steps: 1. Check for any warnings in the server log. You may have to edit your development server's logging settings to output ``django_browserid`` log entries. Here's an example ``LOGGING`` setup to start with:: LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'handlers': { 'console':{ 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler' }, }, 'loggers': { 'django_browserid': { 'handlers': ['console'], 'level': 'DEBUG', } }, } 2. Check the :doc:`details/troubleshooting` document for commonly-reported issues. 3. Ask for help in the `#webdev`_ channel on 4. Post an issue on the `django-browserid Issue Tracker`_. .. _#webdev: .. _django-browserid Issue Tracker: