Settings ======== .. module:: django.conf.settings Core Settings ------------- .. data:: SITE_URL **Default:** No default Domain and protocol used to access your site. BrowserID uses this value to determine if an assertion was meant for your site. Can be a string or an iterable of strings. Note that this does not have to be a publicly accessible URL, so local URLs like ``localhost:8000`` or ```` are acceptable as long as they match what you are using to access your site. Redirect URLs ------------- .. data:: LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL **Default:** ``'/accounts/profile'`` Path to redirect to on successful login. If you don't specify this, the default_ Django value will be used. .. data:: LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL_FAILURE **Default:** ``'/'`` Path to redirect to on an unsuccessful login attempt. .. data:: LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL **Default:** ``'/'`` Path to redirect to on logout. Customizing the Login Popup --------------------------- .. data:: BROWSERID_REQUEST_ARGS **Default:** ``{}`` Controls the arguments passed to ````, which are used to customize the login popup box. To see a list of valid keys and what they do, check out the ` documentation`_. .. documentation: Customizing the Verify View --------------------------- .. data:: BROWSERID_VERIFY_VIEW **Default:** ``django_browserid.views.Verify`` Allows you to substitute a custom class-based view for verifying assertions. For example, the string 'myapp.users.views.Verify' would import `Verify` from `myapp.users.views` and use it in place of the default view. When using a custom view, it is generally a good idea to subclass the default Verify and override the methods you want to change. .. data:: BROWSERID_CREATE_USER **Default:** ``True`` If ``True`` or ``False``, enables or disables automatic user creation during authentication. If set to a string, it is treated as an import path pointing to a custom user creation function. See :ref:`auto-user` for more information. .. data:: BROWSERID_DISABLE_SANITY_CHECKS **Default:** False Controls whether the ``Verify`` view performs some helpful checks for common mistakes. Useful if you're getting warnings for things you know aren't errors. Using a Different Identity Provider ----------------------------------- .. data:: BROWSERID_VERIFICATION_URL **Default:** ``'`` Defines the URL for the BrowserID verification service to use. .. data:: BROWSERID_SHIM **Default:** '' The URL to use for the BrowserID JavaScript shim. Customizing Verification ------------------------ .. data:: BROWSERID_DISABLE_CERT_CHECK **Default:** ``False`` Disables SSL certificate verification during BrowserID verification. *Never disable this in production!* .. data:: BROWSERID_CACERT_FILE **Default:** ``None`` CA cert file used during validation. If none is provided, the default file included with requests_ is used. .. _requests: .. _default: