JavaScript API ============== The JavaScript file that comes with django-browserid, ``browserid.js``, includes a a few public functions that are exposed through the ``django_browserid`` global object. .. js:function:: django_browserid.login([next, requestArgs]) Manually trigger BrowserID login. :param string next: URL to redirect the user to after login. :param object requestArgs: Options to pass to ``_. .. _``: .. js:function:: django_browserid.logout([next]) Manually trigger BrowserID logout. :param string next: URL to redirect the user to after logout. .. js:function:: django_browserid.isUserAuthenticated() Check if the current user has authenticated via django_browserid. Note that this relies on the ``#browserid-info`` element having been loaded into the DOM already. If it hasn't, this will return false. :returns: True if the user has authenticated, false otherwise. .. js:function:: django_browserid.getAssertion(callback) Retrieve an assertion from BrowserID and execute the given callback with the assertion as the single argument. :param function callback: Callback to execute after the assertion has been retrieved. .. js:function:: django_browserid.verifyAssertion(assertion, [redirectTo]) Verify an assertion, and redirect to a URL on success. Calling this method submits a form to the server and changes the current page as if the user was attempting to login. :param string assertion: Assertion to verify. :param string redirectTo: URL to redirect to on success.