Settings ======== .. module:: django.conf.settings Core Settings ------------- .. data:: SITE_URL **Default:** No default Domain and protocol used to access your site. BrowserID uses this value to determine if an assertion was meant for your site. Note that this does not have to be a publicly accessible URL, so local URLs like ``localhost:8000`` or ```` are acceptable as long as they match what you are using to access your site. Redirect URLs ------------- .. data:: LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL **Default:** ``'/accounts/profile'`` Path to redirect to on successful login. If you don't specify this, the default_ Django value will be used. .. data:: LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL_FAILURE **Default:** ``'/'`` Path to redirect to on an unsuccessful login attempt. .. data:: LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL **Default:** ``'/'`` Path to redirect to on logout. Customizing the Login Popup --------------------------- .. data:: BROWSERID_REQUEST_ARGS **Default:** ``{}`` Controls the arguments passed to ````, which are used to customize the login popup box. To see a list of valid keys and what they do, check out the ` documentation`_. .. documentation: Customizing the Verify View --------------------------- .. data:: BROWSERID_CREATE_USER **Default:** ``True`` If ``True`` or ``False``, enables or disables automatic user creation during authentication. If set to a string, it is treated as an import path pointing to a custom user creation function. See :ref:`auto-user` for more information. .. data:: BROWSERID_DISABLE_SANITY_CHECKS **Default:** False Controls whether the ``Verify`` view performs some helpful checks for common mistakes. Useful if you're getting warnings for things you know aren't errors. Using a Different Identity Provider ----------------------------------- .. data:: BROWSERID_VERIFICATION_URL **Default:** ``'`` Defines the URL for the BrowserID verification service to use. .. data:: BROWSERID_SHIM **Default:** '' The URL to use for the BrowserID JavaScript shim. Customizing Verification ------------------------ .. data:: BROWSERID_DISABLE_CERT_CHECK **Default:** ``False`` Disables SSL certificate verification during BrowserID verification. *Never disable this in production!* .. data:: BROWSERID_CACERT_FILE **Default:** ``None`` CA cert file used during validation. If none is provided, the default file included with requests_ is used. .. _requests: .. _default: