Template Helpers


Output the HTML for the login form and the info tag. Should be called once at the top of the page just below the <body> tag.

django_browserid.helpers.browserid_login(text='Sign in', color=None, next=None, link_class='browserid-login', attrs=None, fallback_href='#')

Output the HTML for a BrowserID login link.

  • text – Text to use inside the link. Defaults to ‘Sign in’, which is not localized.
  • color

    Color to use for the login button; this will only work if you have included the default CSS provided by django_browserid.helpers.browserid_css().

    Supported colors are: ‘dark’, ‘blue’, and ‘orange’.

  • next – URL to redirect users to after they login from this link. If omitted, the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL setting will be used.
  • link_class – CSS class for the link. browserid-login will be added to this automatically.
  • attrs

    Dictionary of attributes to add to the link. Values here override those set by other arguments.

    If given a string, it is parsed as JSON and is expected to be an object.

  • fallback_href – Value to use for the href of the link. If the user has disabled JavaScript, the login link will bring them to this page, which can be used as a non-JavaScript login fallback.
django_browserid.helpers.browserid_logout(text='Sign out', link_class='browserid-logout', attrs=None)

Output the HTML for a BrowserID logout link.

  • text – Text to use inside the link. Defaults to ‘Sign out’, which is not localized.
  • link_class – CSS class for the link. browserid-logout will be added to this automatically.
  • attrs

    Dictionary of attributes to add to the link. Values here override those set by other arguments.

    If given a string, it is parsed as JSON and is expected to be an object.


Returns <script> tags for the JavaScript required by the BrowserID login button. Requires use of the staticfiles app.

Parameters:include_shim – A boolean that determines if the persona.org JavaScript shim is included in the output. Useful if you want to minify the button JavaScript using a library like django-compressor that can’t handle external JavaScript.

Verification Functions

django_browserid.verify(assertion, audience, extra_params=None, url=None)

Verify assertion using an external verification service.

  • assertion – The string assertion received in the client from navigator.id.request().
  • audience – This is domain of your website and it must match what was in the URL bar when the client asked for an assertion. You probably want to use django_browserid.get_audience() which sets it based on SITE_URL.
  • extra_params – A dict of additional parameters to send to the verification service as part of the POST request.
  • url – A custom verification URL for the service. The service URL can also be set using the BROWSERID_VERIFICATION_URL setting.

A dictionary similar to the following:

    u'audience': u'https://mysite.com:443',
    u'email': u'myemail@example.com',
    u'issuer': u'browserid.org',
    u'status': u'okay',
    u'expires': 1311377222765

Raises :

BrowserIDException: Error connecting to remote verification service.


Uses Django settings to format the audience.

To figure out the audience to use, it does this:

  1. If settings.DEBUG is True and settings.SITE_URL is not set or empty, then the domain on the request will be used.

    This is not secure!

  2. Otherwise, settings.SITE_URL is checked for the request domain and an ImproperlyConfigured error is raised if it is not found.

Examples of settings.SITE_URL:

SITE_URL = 'https://example.com'
SITE_URL = 'http://example.com'


class django_browserid.views.Verify(**kwargs)

Bases: django.views.generic.edit.BaseFormView

Login view for django-browserid. Takes in an assertion and sends it to the remote verification service to be verified, and logs in the user upon success.


URL to redirect users to when login fails. This uses the value of settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL_FAILURE, and defaults to '/' if the setting doesn’t exist.


URL to redirect users to when login succeeds if next isn’t specified in the request. This uses the value of settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL, and defaults to '/' if the setting doesn’t exist.


Log the user into the site and redirect them to the post-login URL.

If next is found in the request parameters, it’s value will be used as the URL to redirect to. If next points to a different host than the current request, it is ignored.


Redirect the user to a login-failed page, and add the bid_login_failed parameter to the URL to signify that login failed to the JavaScript.

Parameters:error – If login failed due to an error raised during verification, this will be the BrowserIDException instance that was raised.

Send the given assertion to the remote verification service and, depending on the result, trigger login success or failure.

Parameters:form – Instance of BrowserIDForm that was submitted by the user.
form_invalid(*args, **kwargs)

Trigger login failure since the form is invalid.

get(*args, **kwargs)

Trigger login failure since we don’t support GET on this view.


Retrieve failure_url from the class. Raises ImproperlyConfigured if the attribute is not found.

dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

Run some sanity checks on the request prior to dispatching it.


django_browserid.signals.user_created = <django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal object at 0x262e3d0>

Signal triggered when a user is automatically created during authentication.

  • sender – The function that created the user instance.
  • user – The user instance that was created.


exception django_browserid.base.BrowserIDException(exc)

Raised when there is an issue verifying an assertion with django_browserid.base.verify().

exc = None

Original exception that caused this to be raised.

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