
If you’re looking to upgrade from an older version of django-browserid, you’re in the right place. This document describes the major changes required to get your site up to the latest and greatest!

0.9 to 0.10

  • The minimum supported version of requests is now 1.0.0, and six has been removed from the requirements.

  • Replace the SITE_URL setting with BROWSERID_AUDIENCES, which is essentially the same setting, but must be a list of strings (wrapping your old SITE_URL value with square brackets to make it a list is fine):

    BROWSERID_AUDIENCES = ['https://www.example.com']
    • On local development installs, you can remove SITE_URL entirely, as BROWSERID_AUDIENCES isn’t required when DEBUG is True.
  • In your root urlconf, remove any regex in front of the include for django-browserid urls. Because the new JavaScript relies on views being available at certain URLs, you must not change the path that the django-browserid views are served:

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        # ...
        (r'', include('django_browserid.urls')),
        # ...
  • Remove the browserid_info helper from your templates; it is no longer necessary.

  • browserid.js has been split into api.js, which contains just the JavaScript API, and browserid.js, which contains the sample code for hooking up login buttons. If you aren’t using the browserid_js helper to include the JavaScript on the page, you probably need to update your project to either include both or just api.js.

0.8 to 0.9

  • Six v1.3 or higher is now required.

0.7.1 to 0.8

  • fancy_tag 0.2.0 has been added to the required libraries.

  • Rename the browserid_form context processor to browserid in the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting:

        # ...
        # ...
  • Replace custom login button code with the new template helpers, browserid_info, browserid_login, and browserid_logout.

    • browserid_info should be added just below <body> on any page that includes a login button.
    • browserid_login and browserid_logout output login and logout links respectively.
  • It’s now recommended to include the JavaScript for the login buttons using the browserid_js helper, which outputs the appropriate <script> tags.

  • The included JavaScript requires jQuery 1.7 or higher instead of jQuery 1.6.